Saturday, September 1, 2007

The Crazed Russian

Since my father was visiting me I was away from the monastery for a bit as we were staying in Kathmandu for touristic purposes. Well we were staying at one of the most well known guest houses in Kathmandu. It was late one evening and I was sitting out in the garden reading my book. There seemed to be a great deal of commotion going on in the lobby and the hall way near our room so I decided to investigate. I went up to the roof where all sorts of staff members seemed to be scurrying up and down from. The police force was there, and as time continued more and more cops showed up decked out in their riot patrol gear: large wooden stick, and plastic shield. Well, finally I asked someone what was going on. They told me there was a "crazed Russian" on the roof with a knife! Well, I obviously needed to investigate this further so I went to go try to find him myself. I went up to the roof, but then one of the managers of the guesthouse told me to go to my room and lock the door because if the "crazed Russian" came down from the roof he might stab me. Well, I of course did not go to my room and lock myself in, there was investigating to do! So I found a chair hidden from the stair case to stake out and watch. More and more police were showing up by the minute! Was he trying to commit suicide? Had the Kathmandu hashish gone to his brain? What in the world? His wife, or mother, or something was pacing around in the lobby quite distressed. Actually, I had seen the pair earlier that day in the courtyard, the "crazed Russian" had commented on how nice the water lillies were. Anyway, finally a breakthrough came. The crazed Russian insisted the french fries and ketchup be brought up to him on the roof, and then maybe he wouldn't kill anyone. So a silver platter with a plate full of french fries and a red squeeze bottle of ketchup was brought up to the roof. Maybe 15 minutes later the Russian was lead down followed by an entourage of about 30 riot police, flash bulbs of the newspapers, and tearful family members!

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