Saturday, September 8, 2007


A sad day in Kathmandu: I am not sure how international this news has been, but early this week there were three bombs detonated in Kathmandu. One exploded in a microbus loaded with people, killing 2 people and injuring 26 other people. One of the killed was a 18 or 19 year old college student. So far, no one has taken responsibility or been caught for the bombings. I learned about it from one of my friends in Sankhu, Manuj. She is 17 years old and lives right below the monastery with her entire extended family. I was having tea with her and her grandmother and she was off school, because there was a national holiday for all schools in Nepal in honor of the killed student. I am not sure why the bomb was set… some of the older monks seemed to think that it was set off by some people of the Terai. I am not sure why they would want to do this, but I do know that there have been very many people dieing lately in the Terai due to floods. Also, much of the Maoist violence, killings, and “disappearances” are centered in the Terai. Well, whoever it was, I hope they are caught soon because the whole business is very sad. I saw the exploded microbus on the news and it did not look good at all.

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