Thursday, June 25, 2009

Pounding the Pavement in KL

Another great day of exploration in KL! Yesterday we picked up the Malaysia Lonely Planet from Kinokunya Book store in one of the any KL malls, and since then life has been so much easier!
I read about something called the Pudu Market, which is one of the biggest wet markets in KL. This morning we walked to the market, which took about an hour from our guesthouse and we were rewarded with a fantastic market experience. This place was exactly what I was hoping for and more! It was about four square blocks packed to the brim with vendors of vegetables, fruits, sweets, bakery items, various types of meats including cow, chicken, and lots of types of fish. I think the people at the market were pretty surprised to see us tramping through the tiny stalls. Everybody was yelling "Hello!!!" and "WelCOME to MALAYSIA!!!" as they chopped heads off fish and rearranged chicken feet. I would definitely recommend this market to anyone in KL.

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