Sunday, July 5, 2009

Giant Centipede

You never know what kinds of surprises you'll find working at a Thai farm.  We've developed a sort of a game as we dig and rake and trowel the ground at the farm... Who can find the most poisonous and/or dangerous bug and/or animal?  Well, I won yesterday after I found this 9-inch long centipede.  Eric and I were leveling out a huge dirt pile to create a road when this crawler came out of the rocks!  Neil had told us there were centipedes around, but we had no idea they were this big.  I immediately got the shivers and Eric proceeded to catch the thing with his shovel.  He dragged it over to the driveway so we could get a closer look at it.  The centipede was extremely long and very fast.  It moves like a snake, slithering back and forth.  Because we are in the tropics, there are always fun surprises like this waiting behind rocks, boards, and under dirt piles.  They day before we found a few scorpions, a wolf spider, multiple stinging ant colonies, and various other bugs which I do not even now the name for.  The wolf spider was rather frightening.  It scurried out of a pile of grass roofing panels up a near by banana tree.  Eric, of course, prodded it with his rake until it leapt off onto a nearby rubbish pile.  The spider was the size of my hand, and very frightening.  Besides all these bugs, we've found lizards, geckos, caterpillars, and more.  This is better than biology class!  We have yet to find a snake or cobra, which Neil warned us about.  
To celebrate the variety of species we've found on the farm, we've decided to test out their unique flavors one of these days at the nearby market where we are planning to buy fried crickets, grubs, and cockroaches, all of which are enjoyed by the locals as a popcorn-like snack.  

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