Monday, January 7, 2008

Waiting for Hair

One of the many things you can do in Bangkok is get a mane full of braids. I wasn't in the mood to sit for 6 hours for a head full of synthetic hair extension braids, but my friend Jayne was. And I sat around with her through the ordeal. The daughter of the hair dresser (who by the way simply sets up shop on the street) borrowed my camera and took loads of pictures with it. This is me, waiting for my friend's hair to be done. If you look at the background you will get a small peak into what Bangkok... Stuff everywhere!! I have never seen so much "stuff" anywhere. The streets are lined with stuff, stores overflowing with stuff, street carts exploding with stuff. I can't say it is a very materialistic place, because I've only been here for a day, but Thai people really like stuff!! Thats not to say that a common sight is not a western tourist burndened with what seems like a ton or two of shopping bags.

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