Thursday, January 17, 2008

Boat Trip

Me on the front of our boat during the beginning of the snorkeling/shark stalking trip. I was lazing about leaning up on the mast with the pink, green and orange ribbon things on it. After a while my back really started to hurt. I was also covered with ants which I thought was strange. I turned around to inspect the mast and this is what I found that was digging into my back:
A dried up chicken head and two dried up chicken's feet with very large talons!! The ants were actually crawling on the chicken parts and on to me because I was leaning on them! It was the chicken talons that were hurting me. As far as I could figure, the dried up chicken parts on the mast are some sort of offering to the sea gods. Thats my best guess. Ouch!! You will notice the head on the left side tied by the pink thing, and the two chickens feet on the right side.

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