Sunday, November 4, 2007

Curious Questions

I have been noticing something in Phnom Penh that I am curious about... This may be a sensitive topic but I am still very curious. I have been seeing a huge amount of Western men with really young Cambodian girls/women. Really, a huge amount. At tourist places, restaurants, tuk tuks, just walking the street together. Alot of the time they seem to be boyfriend and girl friend, but the girl is usually very quiet and seems sort of timid and doesn't talk much. On the boat from Siem Reap to Battambang, there was a middle aged man from California with a Cambodian girl, probably around my age who was very very shy and embarrassed at everything and timid. The rest of us on the roof of the boat were foreigners, and when ever the boat lurched or moved faster than before she screamed really loud. The man seemed exasperated with her at times, but he also hugged and kissed her and acted like they were married or something.
-This is probably not good or politically correct of me to say, but I can't help but wondering if some of these girls are with these men are connected with the sex tourism business?
-I am positive that some of these couples are legitimately married or dating, so don't get me wrong on that one. I do not want to generalize this issue and say that I think all mixed couples are not legitimate. That is not what I am saying at all.
-I am curious why I have seen sooooo many older Western men (and some younger men too) with young Cambodian girls, but why I have not seen a single Western woman with a Cambodian guy? I would be curious to know more about this.

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